Thursday, July 28, 2005

In lieu of being too lazy...

Found a neat site I'll be trying to check now and again, with some good links:

Cosmo Blog

Eventually I'll get my blogroll (or whatever it's called) back up...

I tell you - when people in real life find your blog, it's like having an arm cut off. I miss having my shit up here for people to read and comment. It's even worse when the person who found it becomes important to you (ie, new boyfriend) and it seems worth it and no big deal that this big support group is gone cause things are so good and fun. Then that ends (new boyfriend = ex-boyfriend) and not having my blog space seems so much worse than I ever thought it would.

Who knew that this outlet was so vital for me?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Almost back

Well, I'm in the process of coming back. Real life has proven to be very time consuming, so we'll see how long it takes.
My blog was discovered *gasp!* by people that actually know me, so I had to take drastic measures and bring it down. I've learned a valuable lesson (no such thing as anonymity on the internet) and realized that maybe I don't want such private thoughts out in cyberspace for anyone to read.
It's a good lesson for me and I'm looking forward to taking my blog in a slightly new direction.
Now I'm off to class,